
We own the entire sunchoke agricultural production model from farm to glass, and we are proud that our model topples the traditional spirits production and distribution model – not a new way of using corn, wheat, and other small grains, or some novel procedure for adding carbonated flavored water or syrup to spirits.
This is the First Shot at the first new product to enter the spirits industry in over 100 years! We think it is worth the wait. Enjoy our Topinambur, and welcome to the revolution!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is topinambur?
The Jerusalem artichoke (also called topinambur, sunroot, sunchoke, wild sunflower, or earth apple) is a species of sunflower cultivated mostly for its tuber, which is used as a root vegetable.
What does it taste like?
Topinambur has a nutty, clean flavor profile reminiscent of fresh sunflower seeds. It smells fruity and has a slight nutty-sweet flavor. It is characterised by an intense, pleasing, earthy note.
How is it made?
Although our exact recipe can’t be said, our unique spirits are made from the tuber, or root, of our farm-to-glass produced topinambur.
Where can I purchase?
Please reach out to us here for more details on how you can purchase First Shot Distillery products!
Would you like to be a First Shot Distillery distributor? Fill out the form and we’ll be in touch shortly!
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First Shot Distillery, LLC
(830) 719-4261
Mailing Address:
501 S Oak Ave, Nixon, TX, 78140

First Shot Distillery, LLC
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